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行動生活領導品牌 Avier,以勇於突破自我與不受世俗限制的品牌精神 Why be dull? 推出兼具科技生活與設計風格的產品,希望能在忙碌且充滿挑戰的日子裡,透過 Avier 的產品,暫時忘卻紛擾、重拾久違的幸福感,體會美好之處、找回生活的驚喜與樂趣。

Avier is a leading consumer electronics accessories brand.  Embodying the Why be Dull? spirit of challenging the status quo and breaking the mold, our products bring together cutting-edge technology with beautiful design. 

Our mission is to allow our customers to experience beauty amongst the busy-ness of everyday life, rediscover wonder and achieve a sense of satisfaction while using our products.